jalan sama-sama bahasa Inggris
- jalan: bower; road; route; said good-bye to; st.;
- sama-sama: neck and neck; every bit; conjointly; equally;
- sama: alike; as broad as it is long; coequal; congruous; correct; equal; equivalent; identic; identical; same; uniform; as; common; comparable; corresponding; ditto; even; fifty-fifty; like; square; tanta
- pulang melalui jalan yang sama: double-back
- sama-sama: neck and neck; every bit; conjointly; equally; you’re welcome; collectively; accompany; jointly; together with; together; as; you're welcome
- berunding sama-sama: laid heads together; lay heads together; laying heads together
- ikut sama-sama: follow; go together; accompany
- sama sekali sama: every bit as
- sama-sama ambil berat: lay equal stress on
- sama-sama maju: keep step with; keeping step with; kept step with
- sama-sama menang: win-win
- sama-sama untung: win-win
- wujud sama-sama: co-existent; exist side by side
- adalah sama: be the same
- anticondongan sama: anti-equi-inclination